Rosie Duffield quits as Labour MP with attack on Keir Starmer- QHN

Reuters Member of Parliament (MP) Rosie Duffield delivers a speech during a session at Westminster. She is holding a sheet of paper.Reuters

MP Rosie Duffield says she is quitting Labour over leader Keir Starmer’s “cruel” policies and “hypocrisy” over his acceptance of gifts.

In her resignation letter, published by the Sunday Times, the Canterbury MP lambasts Sir Keir Starmer for the “staggering hypocrisy” of accepting gifts worth tens of thousands of pounds while scrapping the winter fuel payment and keeping the two-child benefit cap.

In the letter she said the “revelations of hypocrisy” since the change of government in July had been “staggering and increasingly outrageous”.

“I cannot put into words how angry I and my colleagues are at your total lack of understanding about how you have made us all appear.”

First elected in 2017, Duffield’s decision to quit the party follows the suspension of seven other Labour MPs who rebelled on the King’s Speech by voting for a motion calling for the two-child benefit cap to be abolished.

The total number of independent MPs in parliament is now 14.

Duffield’s letter said she intended to sit as an independent MP “guided by my core Labour values”.

The Sunday Times said she was the fastest MP to jump ship after a general election in modern political history.

The winter fuel payment, was previously paid to all pensioners to help with energy bills. It was based on the principle that older people would be left exposed and at increased risk if they could not pay for adequate heating.

But in July, the government said the payment would now be made only to those on low incomes who received certain benefits.

Labour has come under strong criticism – internally and externally – over their decision to means-test the payments, with the Unite union winning a non-binding vote at the party’s conference last week. But it is determined not to be forced into a U-turn despite

The prime minister faced heavy fire after it initially emerged he had received more than £16,000 for work clothing and spectacles for him, and further donations for his wife, from Labour peer Waheed Alli.

The PM has also defended accepting £20,000 worth of accommodation from Lord Alli during the election campaign so his son could revise for his GCSEs without the media outside his home.

In her letter Duffield said: “The sleaze, nepotism and apparent avarice are off the scale. I am so ashamed of what you and your inner circle have done to tarnish and humiliate our once proud party.”

She added: “Someone with far-above-average wealth choosing to keep the Conservatives’ two-child limit to benefit payments which entrenches children in poverty, while inexplicably accepting expensive personal gifts of designer suits and glasses costing more than most of those people can grasp – this is entirely undeserving of holding the title of Labour prime minister.”

She also criticised the prime minister for promoting people with “no proven political skills” and said he had been “elevated immediately to a shadow cabinet position without following the usual path of honing your political skills on the backbenches”.

Starmer was given a shadow home office cabinet role in 2015, just two months into his time as an MP, and in turn appointed several newly-elected MPs to junior ministerial positions in 2024.

One of those, Foreign Office minister Hamish Falconer, is the son of Sir Keir’s first shadow attorney general Lord Falconer, while Liam Conlon, son of Number 10 chief of staff Sue Gray, was made a parliamentary aid to Department for Transport.

Duffield’s relationship with senior figures in the party has often been strained, especially over her views on trans issues – and she had used social media to outline her own position.

She believes there should be protected spaces where those born male are not allowed to go, like domestic violence refuges and prisons, and she is against people being able to self-identify as trans to gain access to those spaces.

She was previously placed under investigation by the party after she liked a tweet from comedy writer Graham Linehan.

In January 2024 she said the party’s National Executive Committee “completely exonerated” her of allegations of antisemitism and transphobia.

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