SGX Nifty will be renamed as GIFT Nifty from July 3, confirms NSE- QHN

The Nifty derivatives contracts traded on the Singapore Exchange (SGX) have been renamed to GIFT Nifty. Earlier, they were referred to as SGX Nifty. The NSE on Tuesday ann­ounced that starting July 3, all outstanding Nifty contracts at SGX will be fully transferred to NSE IFSC at GIFT City for order matching.

The exchange said it has obtained approvals from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) and IFSCA — regulators at Singapore and Gift City, respectively. On April 17, SGX had issued a circular on migrating all Nifty positions to NSE IFSC. 

First Published: May 16 2023 | 10:29 PM IST

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