WhatsApp rolling ‘side-by-side’ feature on Android tablets for beta testers- QHN

Meta-owned WhatsApp is reportedly rolling out a new “side-by-side” feature on Android tablets for some beta testers.

According to WABetaInfo, this feature will allow users to switch between conversations without losing track of their ongoing chats, providing more control over the WhatsApp interface on their Android tablets.

Users can also disable the side-by-side view by toggling the option available within — WhatsApp Settings > Chats.

The side-by-side view splits the screen, which can result in a smaller area for each conversation, especially on devices with smaller screens.

In order to have a larger interface for conversations, users can disable the side-by-side view on the app.

This would allow them to have a larger and more immersive experience while chatting with friends and family on the platform.

Moreover, the report said that the feature will be rolling out to even more people over the coming days.

Meanwhile, WhatsApp has announced that users will now be able to use the same WhatsApp account on more than one phone via its multi-device login feature.

Users can now link their phone as one of up to four additional devices.

This update has started rolling out to users globally and will be available to everyone in the coming weeks, the company said.



First Published: Apr 30 2023 | 7:11 PM IST

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