NSE retains largest derivative exchange tag for the fifth consecutive year- QHN

The National Stock Exch­an­ge of India (NSE) has rema­ined the largest derivative exchange for the fifth consecutive year in 2023, the bourse said in a statement on Thur­sday citing statistics maintained by World Fede­ration of Exchanges. 

The exchange ranked third in the world in the equ­ity segment by num­ber of trades in 2023. In the same year, the market capitalisation of listed firms surpassed $4 trillion while the number of unique registered investors on the NSE crossed 85 million for the first time. The equity deri­vatives to cash market turn­over ratio marginally de­clined from 2.86 in calendar year 2022 to 2.64 in calendar year 2023, said NSE.

First Published: Jan 18 2024 | 11:05 PM IST

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