OpenAI launches DALL-E 3 image generator with ChatGPT integration- QHN

ChatGPT, OpenAI, web browsing

DALL-E 3 allows users to make accurate prompts for generating desired images through ChatGPT’s conversational interface

OpenAI released the third generation of DALL-E, its latest AI art tool, on September 20 to a group of testers. DALL-E 3 uses OpenAI’s chatbot- ChatGPT, to create more complex and carefully composed works of art by automatically expanding on a prompt to give the generator more detailed and coherent instruction.

DALL-E 3 allows users to make accurate prompts for generating desired images through ChatGPT’s conversational interface. It also lets users refine a creation through prompts generated by ChatGPT. Text generating ability of the AI-chatbot removes some of the complexity required to refine the text that is fed to the program.

Launched in 2022, DALL-E is based on an algorithm that is trained on a large data set of labelled images. It uses a series of algorithms capable of learning an image’s structure to predict how to generate an image for a given prompt. With large data set training DALL-E is capable of producing complex images.

By integrating DALL-E to ChatGPT, OpenAI can solidify its Chatbot platform as a generative AI hub for producing original texts and Images, artwork, and more.

On September 19, Google announced a new set of features for its GenAI chatbot, Bard, which enables it to integrate with various Google tools and services, including Maps, YouTube, Drive, Docs. Previously, OpenAI has also provided options for integrating ChatGPT with various online services such as Expedia, OpenTable, and Wikipedia. However, this is the first instance where the company has integrated its chatbot with an image generator.

First Published: Sep 21 2023 | 5:35 PM IST

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