WhatsApp improves readability of messages in community announcement groups- QHN

Meta-owned messaging platform WhatsApp is rolling out a new full-width messaging interface for community announcement groups to some best testers on iOS beta, which will improve the readability of conversations.

Now, when beta testers open a community announcement group, message bubbles will cover the full width of the screen and the profile icon will be shown within the bubble, reports WABetainfo.

With the new interface, users will be able to read messages easily because the text will be displayed on a wider line.

Also, as the community announcement groups are the only conversations to receive this new interface, they will easily stand out from other chats.

The full-width messaging experience within community announcement groups is currently available to some beta testers after installing the latest version of WhatsApp beta for iOS from the TestFlight app, and is expected to roll out to more users over the coming days, the report said.

Meanwhile, last month, it was reported that the messaging platform was working to bring communities to its ‘WhatsApp Business’ application for iOS.



First Published: Apr 01 2023 | 9:30 AM IST

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